Monday, December 14, 2009

arias with a twist

I was able to avoid going to any art openings this weekend. Of course I felt terribly guilty. It's like calling in sick at a job, when really, you aren't sick. But it was raining! That excuse is almost as bad as saying you're on your period. In other words, that's no excuse.

But I did make it to the REDCAT performance of "Arias with a Twist." I was glad that I hadn't really read anything about it, nor heard any reports. My hairdresser mildly mentioned it, and then one of my reviewers suggested it. So, after those two unintentional recommendations, I made reservations for the late show Saturday night. We had a late dinner, then hopped in the car with a pipe in tow. We scored TV-parking, had a few tokes, and made it in plenty of time. The theater started filling up fast once we were seated. Pretty soon, it was a sold out show.

Then the lights abruptly went out. An uncomfortable silence engulfed the arena. A deep dark voice came on announcing the upcoming event, and to hold on to your seats, and that you would be terrified and horrified. Then psychedelic lights and music filled the stage — a light show that Pink Floyd would be envious of. Immediately my husband and I looked at one another and said in unison, "I'm glad we got stoned." I was glad, but thought mushrooms or cookies would have done the trick too. And speaking of mushrooms, that's one of Aria's acts, that's unbeatable--her trip is one we've all been down, but visually more of a treat.

So, the weekend wasn't a bust after all. I went to REDCAT, which I promise to do more of next year. So a performance that was stellar. I feel I still got a little culture.

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