Monday, January 11, 2010

Money Talks

I was going to blog yesterday what a farce it would be if Jeffrey Deitch ended up being MOCA's new director, but I can now blog in present tense. 

This must be the result of Eli Broad's strong-arming. This is highly unprecedented, for a top gallery owner to become a museum director. The conflict-of-interest factor is sky-high. Jeff Poe was quoted in the LA Times as welcoming Deitch with "open arms." Duh!! How about open bank account. 

Another aspect of this circus, is the Hollywoodizing of our museums. Deitch is an art celebrity. Have you ever heard of the two other candidates? No. But EVERYONE has heard of Jeffrey Deitch. California just can't help themselves. It's in our blood.

So, along with our state government, we now have a celebrity for our city's contemporary art museum. Do you think Jeffrey Deitch is a Republican? No matter.

I'm just having a gut reaction now, and once I calm down, maybe I will spread my arms wide for Jeffrey Deitch, but I doubt it.

More later. This needs to be processed.

Welcome to LA Mr. Deitch. We hope you like our weather.


1 comment:

  1. this could be interesting for LA's art scene. We'll be getting a whole lot more attention out West now. Lisa Philips would have been a great second choice as well. She's done some wonderful things in NYC with the New Museum.
