The new May issue of Artillery is out now. It was a bitch to get out, but it's done and I haven't heard too many negative comments. In fact, quite the opposite. So if you're reading this, quick, go out and get your new Artillery.
NOTE: I wrote the above last week, and was interrupted. So there's an update on that positive note. Actually, there's been a few negative comments. I've been applauded for my editor's letter, cutting no slack for our advertisers that dropped out because of our last SEX issue. I'm still quite puzzled about that. I mean, this is the art world, right, that Artillery covers. WTF, is all I can say.
But now, apparently some people are upset because we covered the MOCA controversy, concerning the hiring of Jeffrey Deitch. WTF again, I say. Are we supposed to put our head in the sand and not talk about this? Was our coverage just supposed to be all positive and cheery and STUPID? The art world is indeed a funny place. So many people to please, that it's impossible to please everyone.
So, obviously we do what one does in that situation. Please themselves. My job--to cover things in the art world that ARE controversial. And present both sides if we can. I felt that's what we did with the Deitch coverage.
If folks can't handle that, then we are in a very bad way. When I get flack for speaking honestly, that fuels me to go forward, and tells me I'm on the right track. There's a lot of scared people in the art world. I feel sorry for them.
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