Friday, October 23, 2009

Nothing to get excited about

I was thinking I would blog about the LACMA opening I went to this week, but I really can't. I didn't see the show. Is that just awful? Okay, come on, how many people really saw the show? I fully intended to see the show, it's just that there was too much free champagne and photo opportunities (see upcoming November issue of Artillery). So I was working. 

Also, I didn't really read the Friday reviews in the papers. I just scanned them. Nothing really interested me. This blogging thing might start to bore me. If it means I have to admit things to the public that I didn't do, then, maybe I might want to think this thing through. 

Things in the art world are sort of status quo. There's a lull as everyone is gearing up for the fairs. We'll have some Halloween ghosts, some pumpkin pie, then off to Miami. The art fairs of art fairs. 

The balmy weather, the prickly poseurs, the smell of money. It's the perfect place for pretending. It's the middle of winter, but it's 90 degrees and chicks are in halter tops. It's Christmas time but Santa is having a margarita. It's like the art circus has come to town. 

I'll try to make it to some art openings so I can report something in this blog. I remember my promise, to only blog about art world issues. That's boring! Why did I make that promise?
More to come...

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