Wednesday, October 14, 2009

white house art

The art buzz of the day seems to be what the new selection of artworks our President and First Lady selected. Everyone has an opinion. Holland Cotter is in a complete tizzy about it and seemed to think it unconscionable that the Obamas didn't pick the correct African American artist. There's also talk about the lack of attention to gender and other minority artists. Please, give me a break. I'm not entirely sure my art collection is politically correct in its ratio of white artists to artists of color or the equality of male and female art. Ostensibly, we choose art that we like and respond too. But, of course, we all know that's not true either.  So, why did the Obamas choose what they did? Were there politics behind their choices? I sincerely hope not. I hope they selected works that would give them pleasure, every time they walked by the painting or sculpture. Or just imagine having all that great art in your house. Maybe everyone is just jealous. It's nice that our President has taste at all. Give the Obamas a break on this one.

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